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20 hónap külföldön. 2011 - 3 hónap Németországban, 2012/13 - 7 hónap Hollandiában, 2015 - 3 hónap Naposparton, Bulgáriában, 2016 - 7 hónap Franciaországban. És mindenféle egyéb kiruccanásom a blogon.

2015. december 12., szombat

Németországi mesék 5. - Schloss Biebrich

See the beauty in everything. Believe that everything that happens is a miracle. Believe that everything happens for a reason. Know that at the end you will be happy. If it's awful right now, know that it will be awesome in no time. Don't accomodate yourself too much if it's not good. Move on, if you need to. Laugh, watch movies, find joy in every tiny little thing. Make plans and dream about conquering the world. Know that you're perfect. Know that you can do it. Believe in yourself and let go of everything that holds you back from achieving your goal and live your dream.

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